+336+ SMS Mirror
Written by kris & katie on October 2, 2007. Permalink

Now, let me just say I know this is terribly expensive, but it’s also terribly cool, and I’m hoping that there will soon be a more affordable version (I’m almost sure of it because technology is just that way) for us all to have. It’s a mirror that accepts SMS messages from a phone! I suppose this is a little more of what we would expect of the 21st century, given that we have high expectations from a childhood cartoon.
“The +336+, designed by Robert Stadler (of the French design group Radi Designers), is a mirror able to receive SMS messages sent from a mobile phone. The messages appear as luminous text, running on the mirrors’ surface when one gets close to the mirror.”
Limited edition of 20.
27.5″ x 21.6″