As we all know, goals are often easy to dream up but sometimes very hard to accomplish. Designer Victor Jack Mathieux set out to make a planner that has a step-by-step guide for setting goals. Intended for absolutely anyone, the easy format is a snap to follow and will help you define your resources and action plan. Once you have the plan down on paper, all that’s left is putting it into practice. Could be a thoughtful gift for a recent graduate.
A Goal Planner comes with the following tools:
• 4-Step guide to discovering and planning your goals. (Inside the 4 panel fold).
• Network Tool to help you define your resources (Outside the 4 panel fold).
• Double-sided Action Plan, to help you get the ball rolling.
• 9 Goal Cards to help lower stress and keep you focused.
• 8 Goal Reminder Labels to help you stay motivated and on-track.
• 1 Article and 1 Exhibit..
• Extra goal-setting tips.
Available from A Goal Planner.
Available from A Goal Planner, 9.99.Tags: Gifts, Gifts $1-$25