It’s just what you never knew you needed- a display box that costs half a grand. What am I smoking? Nothing, I promise, but they’re just so darn perfect as dust-free receptacles for all manner a strange objet d’art, it’s tempting to forget the price tag.
Designed by Eva Lilja Löwenhielm for Asplund, each glass box or “kub” has a wood base, and, happily, there are a few fun colors and sizes to choose from: square violet, square orange, wide white or the tall yellow are in stock over at Huset Shop, while the Asplund online shop has two different wood base options as well as an extra olive color choice.
Square Violet and Square Orange: 8.3″ x 8.3″ x 8.3″, base: 8.7″ x 8.7″
Wide White: 11″ x 8.3″ x 8.3″, base: 11.4″ x 8.7″
Tall Yellow: 8.3″ x 8.3″ x 11″, base: 8.7″ x 11.4″
Also available at twentytwentyone, £380.00.
Available from HUSET, 528.00.