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Big Bang Suspension Lamp

Big Bang Suspension Lamp

What the heck? I saw this and it hit me up side the head, or whatever the saying might be. Spectacular and intriguing, indeed.

“Irregular and apparently random intersections of spatial planes create a volume around the light source and produce the dynamic character of the exuberant ceiling lamp designed by Enrico Franzolini and Vicente Garcia Jimenez. By evoking the dynamism of an explosion, the methacrylic planes – available in the white or two-coloured (white/grey or white/red) versions – seem to escape the central luminous core and explode in all directions. A highly plastic luminous body, characterised by the intrigues of light and shade, of great visual impact and yet aerial, ideal for single-handedly personalising interiors of various styles.
Big Bang provides an intense, decisive and direct light. The particular arrangement of the surfaces guarantees maximum reflection and at the same time avoids dazzling, whilst offering a different lighting effect from all angles. ”

Available in White, Grey, or Red.

Size: Ø 37 3/4″, h. 78 3/4″ max


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