Know someone that’s always writing and sketching with a pencil? Pair Miho Hashimoto’s Brass Pencil with the Brass Pencil Case for a thoughtful gift. The pencil fits inside its holder for a more compact writing utensil, while the case is the perfect spot to keep an extra couple of favorite pens and other necessities. Both holder and case will change color over time as they oxidize.
Made in a factory in a historical district in Tokyo.
Brass Pencil, $14.00
Brass Pencil Case, $32.57
Updated price and link*; originally posted Dec 5, 2016.
*If you think it’s lame that the retail link is Amazon, please feel free to do some sleuthing to find a smaller store that sells these two items online and then email us. Thanks.
Available from Amazon, $32.00.Tags: Gifts, Gifts $1-$25, Gifts $26-$50