Here’s another hard-to-read time telling device to add to the ever expanding list. (I post this as more of a novelty item than a truly useful one.)
The Galactic LED clock looks as if it was taken straight from the bridge of the starship enterprise. The clock in the picture reads 12:34. 1 – 2 -3 – 4 ….clever huh? The clock can be set to change the time display every second, every minute, or every 4 seconds. there are three brightness levels that can be set by the user. The clock uses the latest LED technology, which means that the lights will last indefinitely. The clock is available in black or silver and can be wall mounted or freestanding. It measures 10-1/4″ x 3″ x 1″ deep and operates off of the included AC plug-in adapter.
measures 10-1/4″ x 3″ x 1″ deep
$60.00, Buy it here.