These clocks from Diamantini and Domeniconi are made from large, thin aluminium sheets in bold colors. They’re spectacular in a group (as shown above and below), and would create a great focal point for a large wall that needs some oomph. All that said, the different prices from various retailers have my head spinning. I’ve included a few links (below pics) that you might want to reference before purchasing.
Pricing below…
from Fitzsu:
Pink Wall Clock, 10.25″ dia., $230.00
White or Yellow Wall Clock, 10.25″, $180.00
from Nest.co.uk:
Small Mozia Clock, 26cm dia., £88.89
Medium Mozia Clock, 40cm dia., £152.23
Large Mozia Clock, 65cm dia., £215.58
from Amode.co.uk:
Blue Clock, 40cm dia. (15.7″ dia.), £99.00
from mymarca.com:
Blue Clock, 26 cm diameter (10.2″ dia.), € 91,00
from yoox.com: (thanks Jeff!)
Medium Clock (many colors), 15.6 Inches, $180.00
(If you know of better pricing, please let me know.)
Available from Fitzsu, 230.00.