What is that floor lamp that keeps showing up in Vincent Van Duysen’s interiors? Why, I was wondering the same thing, as the name wouldn’t quite make itself known amongst the other many products committed to memory. It’s the Daphine Floor Lamp Classic Reading Lamp by Tommaso Cimini, and, yes, I kind of want one too. In production since 1975, the Daphine Terra Classic has a small shade and delicate joints offset by a chunkier base. Its light spreads overly wide, and is adjustable in two steps. While I’d opt for the black (as Van Duysen does), there’s also a white and nickel-plated option.
Colors: black, nickel-plated, white (metal)
Materials: metal
Dimensions: Width: 45cm
Height: 91cm
Diameter: 21cm
Illuminant: 1x 12V Halogen-Pin GY6,35/50W – energy efficency grade E – include
Also available as wall lamp Daphine Parete, table lamp Daphine Tavolo and smaller version Daphinette 35.
All photos via Vincent Van Duysen.
Available from Ambiente Direct, $404.63 - 497.12.