Take a look- these might be just the thing to simplify your breakfast, lunch or dinner. It seems like the one shown could easily take the place of a placemat, eliminating the need for laundry as well as multiple trips to the dining table.
“A series of trays by Zoocreative that will add a lot of comfort (not to mention style) to your dining experience. The Table and Small trays are cleverly designed to rest your arms in the grooves as you sit down to dinner in perfect comfort. Use the Coffee tray to carry food or utensils to the table… or use it as a lovely centerpiece, filled with fruit.”
Available in three different finishes and three different models:
Serving tray – right & left cutouts: 18.5″W x 15.5″L, $79.00
Coffee tray – raised side handles: 18.5″W x 15.5″L, $79.00
Small tray – one cutout: 13.75″W x 11.75″L, $67.00