Upcycling! If you’ve watched any home shows (say, on HGTV) you’re likely to have seen some upcycled stuff, with some of the results semi-impressive and other attempts being downright awful. Now, I know I’ve seen used washing machine drums upcycled into lights and tables before, but it certainly wasn’t executed in such a precise manner, as shown above/below.
Powder-coating, rather than hand spray paint, helps convey a higher end look, as does the matching color cable and acrylic sheet diffusers. Tip of the hat goes to you, Willem Heeffer, for acing an upcycling project and offering more for sale for those of us that can’t be bothered with doing it ourselves.
“The drums are salvaged from the local recycling centers who have taken on the labor intensive task to take them out of the machines to give them a second life which makes these lamps 90% recycled!” –Willem Heeffer
-Drum light is powder coated in six different colours
-Suspended by three 1mm thick cables.