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Flour Sack Towels

Flour Sack Towels

More tea towels! Except this time you have your pick between black, orange, or grey sets of three, with each towel having a “terrific typographic timbre” to add to your kitchen. I made things complicated by selecting one towel from each set for the main image, but I’m sure you’ll be satisfied with just one set. Right? (Also, House Industries: well done on the copy for these towels. Entertaining.)

Flour Sack Towels Black
Flour Sack Towels Black, $30.00

Flour Sack Towels Orange
Flour Sack Towels Orange, $30.00

Flour Sack Towels Grey
Flour Sack Towels Grey, $30.00

Available from House Industries, 30.00.

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