Designer Henry Wilson takes the classic and ubiquitous anglepoise lamp and updates it with both technology and handcrafted elements. First the lamp itself is rewired for a cooler and more efficient LED bulb, then, either a ceramic or glass shade replaces the original. This is an extremely limited edition of 20, and will sell for $940. However, for $670 you can also supply your own anglepoise lamp to be updated by Wilson. I’d rather not mix up any words or intent, so here is the designer’s statement on Led Anglepoise in his own words:
“Both lamps are really a statement about the production of entirely new objects for an already saturated world. There is already so much around for us to admire and work from. By applying new thought, time and material to an object already firmly perceived to be a classic, we are forced to consider it in a new way.”
Well said. Contact Henry Wilson for purchasing information.
Available from Henry Wilson, AUD950.00.