You see an irregular round mirror, which is sort of interesting, and then, as you step to the side, a punch of day-glow color from the recessed frame hits you in the face. That, my friend, raises the bar from sort-of-interesting to high-five-awesome. There’s a few different options in colored glass as well as frames; take a look at mc&co for the full collection.
mc&co day glow frame mirror grey glass
Frame is 3/4 inch thick, recessed 1/4 inch behind edge of mirror surface.
Mirror glass colors available in: Clear, Grey, Blue and Bronze.
Frame colors available in: Dayglow- Yellow, Green, Blue, Pink and Red.
Irregular round mirror available in 2 sizes:
Large: 24″ diameter, $900
X Large: 36″ diameter, $1200
Day glow frame mirror blue glass
Day glow frame mirror clear glass.
Originally from our archives (posted Aug 15, 2012).
Update: Looks like mc&co is closed. If anyone knows of where to get these mirrors, shoot us an email.