This metal heart ’emits a soft spheric’ sound so that when you’re crying yourself to sleep on Valentine’s Day you’ll have some comfort. Just kidding. Forgo those lame boring valentine’s gifts (roses, candy, blah) for this little gift, because it’ll last a heck of a lot longer and it looks waaay better than any red/pink-plastic/cellophane-stuffed-bear/basket type of thing. Pair it with a sentimental note and you’re done*.
If you’re still looking for a gift, by the way, you can always take a gander at our Gift Guide. It’s chockfull of easy-to-browse thumbnails of almost everything that we’ve ever posted that could be a decent gift.
Polished Aluminum.
4″ diameter
*unless your significant other is a gold-digger, in which case be prepared to duck and/or dodge when he or she throws it at you.
Tags: Gifts, Gifts $1-$25