If you’ve ever said you can’t draw, then you need this thingamajig. The NeoLucida Drawing Aid is a portable camera lucida and it utilizes a prism to project a desired image onto a piece of paper for tracing. This saves time, of course, as it helps you get the drawing right the first time around. Created by Pablo Garcia and Golan Levin, the NeoLucida is adjustable, compact enough to fit in a bag, and effective in all lighting conditions.
Designers: Pablo Garcia and Golan Levin
Size: 11.5h x 6.5w x 0.5″d
Materials: Aluminum, Glass
Ages 9 years and up.
The NeoLucida Drawing Aid is featured in the Kickstarter@MoMA Design Store presentation.
Currently available from MoMA Store, or later on in the year via NeoLucida.
Available from MoMA Store, 48.00.Tags: Gifts, Gifts $26-$50