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Picture Wall

Picture Wall

This is a good idea. It’s a kit which includes 10 frames and a map that you hang on the wall to easily know where to put the nails in so you don’t have to do a lot of hammering to get the frames to hang nicely.

To quote their website: “It uses our revolutionary and Patented “Pre-Viewโ€ย Template technology allowing you to determine placement, height and character of frames all without measuring and before the first hook is ever entered into your wall.”

I like how they act like it’s rocket science or something. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great idea, but what they call “Pre-view template technology”, I call an overgrown post-it-note with squares on it. Where I come from, our “technology” consisted of paper towels and scotch tape. I don’t know how their attorneys actually secured a patent for this, but there you have it. In the immortal words of Yakov Smirnoff, “America! What a country!”


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