Another calendar for your consideration… and yes, we featured it last year, but you could probably use a reminder, right? Postalco’s wall calendar has the year laid out in a list format, making “elusive time visible,” as they say. There’s space next to each day to notate important events with extra room at the bottom for reminders, plans, or ideas.
“Postalco makes its products entirely in Japan. The paper is crafted from boiled natural fibers and formed into thin, smoothly textured paper, creating an ideal writing surface on which to sketch in your plans. The paper is also pH-neutral, meaning that it will not yellow over time.”
Dimensions: 22.5 inches x 18 inches
Update: The Postalco Wall Calendar is sold out! Visit the retailer’s page to sign up for a notification when it’s back in stock.
Available from Kaufmann-Mercantile, 19.00.