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I’ve attempted to grow new plants from cuttings and I’ve been successful about 30% of the time, mostly because I forget to keep the cuttings watered appropriately and also because I keep sticking them in nice little glass jars that let in too much light. Here’s betting that this rootcup will increase my odds significantly. The elastomer pot and lid protects a cutting’s roots from light, holds the leaves above the water to prevent rotting, and captures water to reduce attention needed. Those three things will have us propagating all sorts of cuttings like a pro.

rootcup detail

Two sizes: Original, $5, and BIGrootcup, $14.

– protects a cutting’s roots from light, which helps roots grow.
– holds the cutting’s leaves above the water to prevent rotting.
– the shape of the lid captures water so cuttings need little attention.
– the slotted flexible lid easily opens to remove cuttings
– rootcup can be cleaned in a dishwasher or in boiling water to sterilize and reuse.

Elastomer is highly UV resistant, nonporous, water proof, flame resistant and flexible.

rootcup grey

Available from rootcup, 5.00 - 14.00.

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