While you could use these cards for correspondence, you might also consider framing a few for a special spot somewhere in your home. Each illustration is a small bird drawn to scale 1:1 by artist Fanny Shorter and the set includes some of the tiniest birds in the world. Which one is the smallest? Apparently the Bee Hummingbird at 5.5 cm long- that’s 2.1653543 inches. Tiny!
Designer: Fanny Shorter
There are ten cards in each set, all printed on 10cm x 15cm / 5.9″ x 3.9″ card and each with a blank inside. The set includes the Bee Hummingbird, Buff-Faced Pygmy Parrot, Costa’s Hummingbird, Orange-Bellied Flowerpecker, Gray-Tailed Mountain-Gem, Spotted Pardalote, Tufted Coquette, Jameson’s Wattle-Eye, Crimson-Hooded Manakin and the White-Winged Fairy Wren.
Tags: Gifts, Gifts $26-$50