A spill-proof Soy Sauce Cruet? Pfft, you say. I didn’t believe it either until seeing it in action. It has a beak-like spout that’s built into the adjustable cap; soy sauce (or olive oil or vinegar) simply flows out without a drip. Is this a game changer for anyone who loves their soy sauce (or olive oil or vinegar)? I think so.
Designer/Maker: The / Ishizuka Glass
Origin: JAPAN
Material: High-grade glass
Dimensions: Ø4.8 (BOTTOM) × H11.2 CM | 80 ML CAPACITY
THE 醤油差㗠/ Dripless Soy Sauce Cruet 01 from PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER on Vimeo.
Available from Ode to Things, $60.00.Tags: Gifts, Gifts $51-$75