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Tokyo 2 and New York 1 Bitmap Blanket

Tokyo 2 and New York 1 Bitmap Blanket

Gah! I know that Cristian Zuzunaga’s Digital Sunrise Blanket might have been a little too much color and pattern, but don’t let that dissuade you from considering some of the other knitted blankets in the collection. Tokyo 2 Bitmap Blanket is the one above, and New York 1 Bitmap Blanket the one below. Both are a little less crazy with their limited color palette, yet they’ll still prove that you can be brave when it comes to textiles. Perhaps one might fit the bill for a lightweight summer blanket for your bed? You may also purchase these blankets (amongst other items) directly from Zuzunaga’s Design Studio (€240 ex.VAT), but be advised you’ll need to pay for shipping/customs.

New York 1 Bitmap Blanket

New York 1 Bitmap Blanket, $406.00

Available from A+R Store, $406.00.

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