Yes, the Bowie image makes this Upcycled T-Shirt Lampshade Kit way more appealing than it probably is, but you could possibly have some fun with this, especially if you have a t-shirt that you never wear but refuse to donate. Or, might this might be a great project for a favorite kid during these long summer days? Just make sure they use their own t-shirts instead of your prized concert relics. What’s included in the kit? Adhesive, 12″ diam. top and bottom lampshade rings, molding stick, binder clips, lampshade glue, and an instruction booklet. Your favorite t-shirt = lampshade. That’s the idea, anyways. Good luck.
Kit assembled in Brooklyn, New York.
Made from Wood, Galvanized Steel, Polystyrene Sheet
Measurements 12″ H x 10″ diam.
Light and base components not included.
Available from Uncommon Goods, $35.00.Tags: Gifts, Gifts $26-$50