So, air purifers. I used to think I had no need for one, but after living on a busy London street for about 2 years, I saw enough dust and grime to make me believe otherwise. This purifier by Humanscale removes more than 99% of airborne particles and employs a silent, breeze-free and ozone-free operation. Those attributes combined with its smallish size (13″ W X 9″ D X 14″ H) hopefully means it would all but disappear when cleaning the air.
“The paper filter can be vacuumed and reused or recycled with other paper products. When the filter is ready to be changed or cleaned, a LED alert signal will appear. The Zone Air Purifier includes one particulate and 2 VOC filters, a 6-month supply.”
Available in black, red metallic, or white.
Support BLTD by following this link to purchase the Zone Air Purifier: Yliving.com.
Available from YLiving, 299.00.