Here is our third installment of gift ideas, handpicked by our very own Kris Bernard, Founder and Editor-at-Large.
Her picks for gifts to get this year:
1. Everyday Carry Keychain Screwdrivers, $9.00
2. silver medal, $6.00
3. State-By-Celebrity Print, $20.00
4. Golden Bar Necklace, $16.00
5. Hand-stitched leather pencil case, $40.00
6. Pocket size Moleskine Journal and cahiers leather cover, $39.00
7. Little skull studs, $18.00
8. La Tropézienne Tote, $386.00
9. Market Bag DAILY, $55.00
10. Mid Century Designers Pencil Set, $6.00
Thanks Kris!
Tags: Gift Guides