Who better than Mr. Stefan Boublil, the creative director of the apartment, to kick off our collection of Gift Ideas for 2012? Our thanks to Stefan, as we know he’s busy running the business and the apartment broadcast, as well as generally providing better design for branding, marketing, and interior design worlds. Well done, sir, you deserve everything on your list.
Stefan’s note to Santa:
dear santa,
i hope you are doing well and kept your cholesterol levels under control. by the way, thank you for all the presents last year, i especially enjoyed the herpes. which is why i have been pretty nice this year, well, apart from that thing with that guy that time, but otherwise pretty nice. these are the presents i would love to receive this year by the artisan beer and quinoa chips i will leave by the ceramic heater.
1. the weir overlook special edition hat
barring the trip to space, wearing the overlook hotel carpet on my head would be a dream come true…
2. children’s tinned fear
candy and stories together in a can? please get me all 5, i’m greedy.
3. philips fidelio L1 headphones
i’ve looked everywhere, like for realz, and these are the best sounding headphones to hear every minor harmony on robert glasper’s major black radio
4. skin bag by alfredo häberli for colin’s
as a vegetarian for 23 years, i had to think a little bit about this one but surely beauty is more important than conviction.
5. M lamp by david irwin
a very handy way to feel like the coal miners we all wish we could be.
6. sky high by germano zullo
yes, books are on their way out but sometimes, still, you need a different format to accurately express an idea. this is that idea.
7. bean
thank you for the a.d.d. you gave me 42 years ago. and thank you to the good people at Small Planet Digital for making it beautiful and easier to cope with.
8. buddha machine
it might be the only thing that stops the voices in my head (the ones telling me to give the surface a shot…)
9. solitaire.exe by evan roth
i remember having no friends like it was, well, yesterday…
10. vivian ying cruise footwear
purposefully for re-gifting to the woman in my life, these platforms (or any other in her sumptuous collection) will be the perfect complement to the nothing else i will encourage her to wear this christmas.
11. space trip by virgin galactic
having taken a marc newson spaceship departing from a fosters & partners spaceport seems like a good way to spice up dinner conversation, so put me down for that.
For more on Stefan, visit the apartment and/or the apartment broadcast.
Tags: Gift Guides, Gifts