Biwing Table by Reform
Written by kris & katie on October 2, 2007. Permalink

It’s easy to become desensitized to prices these days- especially since it seems like everything you want is way more than you can spend. So, that’s when you have to grow up and start saving for the things you really want, which means you’ll appreciate them that much more when the item of desire actually arrives, right? All this jabber is just so I can make a point that sometimes it’s worth the big price tag.
“The Biwing Table is an instant classic with its sleek curves and functional shelves tucked below the surface at both ends. Designed for indoor or outdoor use, the A1 is made from a single sheet of 1/4″ aluminum and created without any hardware or adhesives. The minimalist modern form is materia efficient and 100% recyclable.”
45.5″ long x 22″ wide x 15.5″ high