Like the look of this side table? Well, tough, you can’t have it. Just kidding, you can have it, you just need to fork over $3Gs for it. Marmoreal is an engineered, multipurpose marble developed by Max Lamb (and facilitated by Dzek), and is comprised of large chunks of Italian marble fragments— in the palette of green, red, ochre, and white you see above. It’s stronger than natural marble as polyester resin bonds the material together. You might hate it, you might love it, but one thing’s for sure, it will certainly set the tone in whatever room it’s in. A few more pieces of the collection shown below.
Marmoreal Side Table, $3,072.42
Marmoreal Chair, $4,234.96
Marmoreal Dining Table, $15,237.54
Available from L'ArcoBaleno, 3,072.42+.