Just how much do you want the Audubon Field Guide Series? If your answer is anything other than so very much, let’s discuss just what you’re missing. There’s 18 field guides, each one “profusely” illustrated with all the information you ever need when venturing out of doors. Each guide gives you the knowledge you need to navigate the wilderness and is conveniently sized to carry with you in a pocket or backpack. Trees, mammals, fishes, spiders, wildflowers, rocks and minerals, birds, and many more. Available as a set ($299) or individually ($19.95).
18 field guides
vinyl bound
4.2″ x 7.8″
profusely illustrated
The ultimate nature reference.
“Bound by a durable and water-resistant vinyl, each field guide is designed for outdoor use and portability, featuring brilliant full-color photographs for identification purposes, arranged for quick access, with definitive texts.”
Also available at Best Made/a>: National Audubon Society Field Guides Book Set for Eastern ($60), Western ($60), or Collector’s Set ($90).
From our archives; originally posted Feb 28, 2013
Available from Nature Watch, 299.00.Tags: Gifts, Gifts $1-$25, Gifts $100+