Phaidon Design Classics
Written by kris & katie on October 2, 2007. Permalink

Phaidon has just released a three volume collection “PHAIDON DESIGN CLASICS” which features 999 industrial design products that their panel of design experts and editors consider as “classics”–objects that have attained perfection in design and function.
“At 950 pages and over 4,000 images, PHAIDON DESIGN CLASSICS is a stunning, exhaustive survey of the evolution of industrial design, from the clothespin to the iPod, arranged chronologically from centuries-old tools to contemporary home accessories.
Lushly illustrated with patents, prototypes, old advertisements, original drawings, images showing the process of manufacturing, as well as rare archival photographs, each product spread is also accompanied by a short text explaining its significance and why it has secured its place in the design classic pantheon.”
Tags: Gifts, Gifts $100+