What!? Cigarettes! No, no, no, remember that these are books, shrunken, unabridged editions in a paper cigarette box that’s easy to carry around and much better for your health. And, yes, we posted these last year, but they get another shot in the spotlight because they’re a crazy good gift or stocking stuffer. Available individually or in a set of 6 (see below).
Tin of 6 Cig Packs, $72.00, available from The Vitrine.
Titles include:
Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkenss
Ernest Hemingway: The Snows of Kilimanjaro & The Undefeated
Franz Kafka: Metamorphosis & In The Penal Colony
Rudyard Kipling:The Man Who Would Be King, The Phantom ‘Rickshaw & Black Jack
Robert Louis Stevenson: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Leo Tolstoy: The Death Of Ivan Lynch & Father Sergius
You can also purchase Tank Books individually from TENOVERSIX, $15 each, or directly from Tank Books for around ยฃ8 each.
Available from The Vitrine, 72.00 for 6 pack.Tags: Gifts, Gifts $1-$25, Gifts $51-$75