If you’ve ever spent hours searching for the perfect period tub/doorknob/window to replace the rotted/missing piece for the home you’re lovingly restoring bit by bit, here’s a site you might want to add to your list. There’s a myriad of items, and unlike some sites, it’s actually easy to look through most of their inventory. They also have a bunch of odds and ends that would make for interesting furniture pieces and home accessories (if you’re the eclectic-collector type).
Shown left to right, top to bottom:
Farm Sink (Wolff Mfg. Co), $475.00,
Buy it here.
Commercial Stainless Steel prep table, $675.00, Buy it here.
Vintage Oak Mantel, $675.00, Buy it here.
Reclaimed Glass, call for price, Buy it here.
Mahogany Bleacher Boards (from a high school gym), $6.00 per square foot,
Buy it here.
Giant Industrial Workbench, call for Price,
Buy it here.
Claw Foot Tubs, $250.00-$475.00 each,
Buy it here.