Whoa, check out this huge wall of Ikea cabinets in Dwell’s slideshow Just Redo It. The home owners, Andrew Dunbar and Zoee Astrakhan, spent about $12,000 on the ‘easy-to-assemble’ cabinets, which is a heck of a lot less than paying for a full wall of custom cabinetry.
“Small Ikea kitchens drive me crazy, but six kitchens’ worth of Ikea cabinets can be made into something beautiful,” Dunbar says. Staggered by width, the cabinets have exposed kick-plate gaps for storing CDs. The easy-to-assemble cabinets cost $12,000, which is about a tenth of the price of custom storage units. –dwell
Photo by: Justin Fantl
Read more: Just Redo It