on/off switch by tobias wong
Written by kris & katie on October 2, 2007. Permalink

Ever since I’ve been completely unable to track down the Tobias Wong Screen Saver that I ordered and never received, I must admit that I’m getting a little obsessed with Tobias Wong. Maybe it created this (false?) sense of urgency for his designs. So anyway, I’m sure you’ve seen this around but now I feel compelled to post it just incase they evaporate too. Get em while they’re hot!
designed by tobias wong for conduit group, the on/off switch is a remote switch for a light. keep it by your chair for emergencies. control your environment a bit more closely.
100 ft range. lucite box with magnetic snaps.
“the conduit group attempts to define and promote new american design. rather than create the next big thing, conduit seeks to provide and promote products that seek additional interactions between the designer, product, and consumer. what design should be about.”
Available from Unica Home, $125.Tags: Tobias Wong