Oh, shall we enter into the foray that is the eBook market? Yes, we shall, though you’ll have to go here and here (or here) to get your comparison fix with the Kindle.
* E ink Vizplex electronic paper display reads like the printed page.
* 3.5 inch color touchscreen LCD.
* One touch control and navigation.
* Swipe to browse your library displayed via full-color book covers.
* You can read for up to ten days without recharging with wireless off.
* 2GB (approximately 1500 eBooks)
* Expandable microSD slot (buy an extra 16 GB memory card and store up to 17,500).
* Free wireless from Barnes & Noble via AT&T. *Disclaimer: 3G network not available in all areas
* MP3 player
Tags: Gifts, Gifts $100+